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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 42 - October 21, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Health and Environment

Notice of Intent to Issue a Waste Tire Processing Permit

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has reviewed an application from FMS North America, Inc. for a permit to establish and operate a waste tire processing facility. Waste tires will be sorted for re-treading, for making into products such as water tanks, or for processing for disposal. Processing for disposal will be accomplished by shredding or quartering, or by other methods approved by KDHE. This facility will be located in the SW ΒΌ of Section 35, Township 24S, Range 18E, Allen County, at the address of 17 E. Portland, Iola, Kansas. KDHE has reviewed the application and found it to be in conformance with state solid waste statutes and regulations.

KDHE is providing public notice of its intent to issue a permit to FMS North America, Inc. for the proposed waste tire processing facility described herein. A copy of the administrative record, which includes the draft permit and all information regarding this permit action, is available for public review until November 19, 2021, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, at the following location:

Office of the City Clerk of Iola
2 W. Jackson Ave.
Iola, KS 66749
Contact: Roxanne Hutton, City Clerk

Additionally, the application form with primary permit information is available for public viewing on the KDHE Bureau of Waste Management website at Anyone wishing to comment on the draft permit information should submit written statements postmarked no later than November 19, 2021, to Emery Wiens at the following address:

Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Waste Management
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 320
Topeka, KS 66612

After consideration of all comments received, the director of the Division of Environment will make a final decision on whether to issue the permit. Notice of the decision will be given to anyone who submitted written comments during the comment period and to those who requested notice of the final permit decision.

Lee A. Norman, M.D.

Doc. No. 049508